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Wednesday Wisdom: Proper training is paramount to success

This continues our Wednesday Wisdom series where we review some of the top leadership issues we are currently assisting our clients through.

How many times have you started a new job and been super excited about the training and on-boarding or orientation process? Have you been eager to learn new skills and get a better understanding of how your new company works? Or have you ever been promoted into a new position that required a different level of understanding and you waited for someone to show you the ropes?

Too often organizations are already running below capacity. What we mean by this is that they never have enough staff, even time, or enough resources. Training is often the last thing the C-suite wants to spend money on.

When new employees join an organization, they are often thrust into the position without any formal training or orientation. Excuses like, “we do not have the time”, “you already know what you are doing”, or “just ask if you have questions” are used to deny the proper training.

This sets your new employee for failure. This failure will inevitably impact the team and even the organization. Organizations that prioritize training experience greater employee retention, increased productivity and high morale.

The other deficit is in ongoing training. Again, many companies focus on only technical training. You know HOW to do your job. This is important training, but what often goes untrained is the soft skills.

Several years ago, companies would elicit the services of Modglin Leadership Solutions and would always push back on the need for soft skills training. Today, the tide has completely turned. The majority of the things we are training on today are the things that are harder to learn. Communication, working as a team, giving and receiving feedback, conflict resolution, and time management are the most requested trainings.

This training is making a huge difference in the organizations that are investing the time and the money into training their teams. Today’s employees are always looking to better themselves, and without that challenge being met, they are looking for other opportunities.

One more area where we see the need for improvement in many organizations is that they think that training is a “check in the box.” The one thing we love about what we do is getting the opportunity to get to know an organization, assess the needs, develop a training plan and an implementation plan. When we have the privilege of following an organization through a training plan, we can see the teams grow and succeed right before our eyes. You see, training is only as good as what you take from it and out into practice.


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